What is the Continued Influence Effect?

In the era of information overload and rapid dissemination of news and ideas, understanding how people process and retain information is of utmost importance. The continued influence effect is a psychological phenomenon that sheds light on the persistence of misinformation, even after its correction. This effect highlights the complex nature of human cognition and the challenges we face in overcoming false beliefs.

Exploring the Continued Influence Effect

The continued influence effect refers to the persistence of misinformation in shaping people’s beliefs, attitudes, and judgments, even when corrected information is provided. This phenomenon has been extensively studied in various domains, including politics, health, and social issues.

One key factor contributing to the continued influence effect is the initial acceptance and processing of misinformation. When individuals encounter false information, they often integrate it into their mental frameworks, forming coherent narratives. Subsequently, when confronted with corrective information, individuals find it challenging to overwrite these preexisting cognitive structures, leading to the persistence of the initial misinformation.

Moreover, the continued influence effect can be attributed to cognitive biases and heuristics that affect information processing. Confirmation bias, for instance, leads individuals to seek and interpret information that aligns with their preconceived beliefs. As a result, even when confronted with contradicting evidence, people may selectively process and remember information that supports their initial beliefs, further reinforcing the persistence of misinformation.

The source of corrective information also influences the continued influence effect. Research suggests that the credibility and expertise of the source play a crucial role in influencing individuals’ acceptance of corrected information. If the source is perceived as unreliable or biased, people are more likely to disregard the correction, amplifying the continued influence of misinformation.


Understanding the continued influence effect has significant implications for areas such as public health, political discourse, and media literacy. In public health, the persistence of misinformation can have detrimental consequences. For example, the continued influence effect has been observed in vaccine hesitancy, where individuals may continue to believe debunked claims linking vaccines to autism, despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary. This phenomenon poses challenges in promoting accurate health information and may hinder efforts to control the spread of diseases.

Similarly, in the realm of politics, the continued influence effect can contribute to the polarization of opinions and the spread of false narratives. Misinformation campaigns often exploit this effect by disseminating incorrect information, knowing that the initial misinformation can linger in people’s minds even after being debunked. This can undermine public trust, hinder constructive discourse, and ultimately impact democratic processes.

Media literacy and critical thinking skills are essential tools in combating the continued influence effect. Individuals who possess a strong ability to evaluate and verify information are more likely to resist the persistence of misinformation. By promoting media literacy education, society can empower individuals to critically analyze sources, identify biases, and discern accurate information from falsehoods.

Falsehoods can arise from various sources such as advertisers, politicians, or the perpetuation of “old wives’ tales.” These deceptive assertions, like the myth that catching a cold comes from going outside with wet hair or that acne is caused by consuming candy, can persistently impact one’s thoughts and emotions, even after their falsity has been exposed. In contemporary times, similar misconceptions prevail, such as the notion that the Great Wall of China is visible from space (it is not!) or the belief that cats possess the ability to harm infants by sucking out their breath (they cannot!). Once individuals internalize these fragments of information, they become deeply ingrained, defying easy eradication, regardless of their falsehood and the evidence discrediting them. These falsehoods demonstrate the enduring influence of misinformation on our cognition and emotions, underscoring the importance of critical thinking and scrutiny when encountering dubious claims.

Causes and Mechanisms

1. Memory Inertia

One of the primary causes of the Continued Influence Effect lies in the way our memory functions. When we encounter new information, it is encoded in our memory. However, subsequent exposure to contradictory information can create a conflict, resulting in cognitive dissonance. Resolving this dissonance requires cognitive effort, which may lead individuals to stick to their initial beliefs, despite being presented with corrected information.

2. Familiarity and Fluency

The human mind is prone to favoring information that feels familiar and easy to process. Research has shown that even when corrected information is presented, it may still be overshadowed by the familiarity of the original misinformation. This cognitive bias can perpetuate the influence of incorrect information, as our brains tend to rely on shortcuts and heuristics rather than engaging in deep critical thinking.

3. Emotional Implications

The Continued Influence Effect can be amplified when misinformation carries emotional weight. Emotional responses tend to heighten the salience and memorability of information, making it harder to dislodge from our minds. Even if corrected information is later encountered, the emotional resonance of the initial misinformation can persist, reinforcing the individual’s adherence to false beliefs.

Mitigating the Continued Influence Effect

While the Continued Influence Effect presents a formidable challenge, some strategies can help mitigate its impact:

1. Timely Corrective Information

Promptly addressing misinformation is crucial to prevent its lingering effects. Fact-checking organizations, media outlets, and social media platforms are responsible for debunking false information and ensuring its wide dissemination swiftly.

2. Repeating the Correct Information

Studies have shown that repeating the corrected information multiple times can enhance its effectiveness in countering misinformation. Repetition helps to reinforce new beliefs.


The continued influence effect highlights the complexities of human cognition and the challenges we face in correcting misinformation. The phenomenon stems from the initial acceptance of false information, the influence of cognitive biases, and the credibility of corrective sources. Recognizing the continued influence effect has far-reaching implications, as it can impact public health, political discourse, and societal trust.

Addressing the continued influence effect requires a multifaceted approach that combines education, critical thinking, and responsible media practices. By fostering media literacy skills and promoting the use of reliable sources, we can equip individuals with the tools necessary to resist the persistence of misinformation. Furthermore, researchers and policymakers must continue to investigate and develop strategies to mitigate the impact of the continued influence effect, ultimately fostering a more informed and resilient society.