Tips for Dads on Planning Family Bonding Activities

In most families, dads are usually the ones who have hectic and busy schedules at work, and they often find it challenging to find time to spend with the whole family. This is the reason why dads should also try to plan some family bonding activities on weekends or when they get a vacation from work. Nothing will beat a weekend doing fun activities with the whole family.

If you’re a dad and you feel like you’re missing out a lot of happenings in your family because of your busy schedule, then maybe it’s time for you to plan some bonding activities for you to catch up with them. If you have no idea what activities to do, here are some tips that may help you.

1. Create Family Traditions

Family traditions are a great way to tie the family together. These are rituals that are uniquely yours such as creating your own family prayer, having special Saturday or Sunday morning breakfast, or conducting a weekly family meeting. Each of the traditions you will make should have a certain date on when it will happen. Also, for them to be effective, you should see to it that they will be practiced regularly.

2. Go on Picnics or Camping

Vacations are one of the best family bonding activities, however, if you only have limited time to spare, going on picnics and camping over the weekend will also work. Camping is a great way for your family to bond and get closer to nature. Have time off from using electronics and gadgets and spend time outside. You all can learn how to cook like campers and you can also plan some fun games to play.

3. Volunteer

Volunteering together is a way to strengthen your family’s bond. Aside from that, it can also demonstrate the importance of giving back to the community. You can volunteer your whole family to serve meals at a shelter, choose a family to help during the holidays or participate in a charity walk. This will also teach your children the importance of being kind and helpful.

4. Be a Tourist in Your Own Town

If you do not have much time to travel out of town, then your whole family can also try to be tourists in your own town. This is a really fun bonding activity. You all can plan out the things that you would do if you’ll only be in your town for a weekend. You can check your local tourism website to find more details. Once you’ve created a list, plan out an itinerary.

This bonding activity will allow your whole family to discover some places or maybe restaurants around your town that you haven’t been to yet. This activity can be your perfect excuse to check these places out. You can also collect souvenirs from your trip.

5. Create a Garden

Though gardening takes a lot of work, it can be a really fun bonding activity as well. You can take the whole family to shop for fruits and vegetables as well as all the materials needed for creating the garden. You can all take turns in working in the garden. If your kids are older, you can ask them to pull weeds, for the little ones, you can ask them to wield a watering can. When your family garden grows, you will be able to use the fruits and vegetables in making a family dinner.

6. Put on a Show

Children certainly love planning and preparing for a show. Aside from the kids, the whole family can also enjoy this activity. You can help your kids with their wardrobe and scripts, but the best part that you’ll play in it is by being the audience together with mom. After the show, since the stage is already set, you can also continue the activity with a family game of charades.

7. Plan a Treasure Hunt

If you want to play a game with the whole family, treasure hunt is one of the best games you can plan with your wife. This game can be held in your house, in the backyard, or in a wider community depending on the age of your children. You can simply list clues such as “something red”, “something soft, or “something you wear”, or take it to the next level and provide riddles and anagrams that your kids will enjoy solving.

You can also prepare prizes for them when they complete the treasure hunt. It can be some material things, their favorite candies, or treat your whole family in an ice cream parlor.

8. Eat Dinner Together

Eating dinner together is a simple way for a family to bond every day. It is also a way to connect with each other and share some details about your day. During weekends, your whole family can also try cooking together to increase the bonding time. Even if you decide to just order pizza or go out in fast food restaurants for dinner, the important thing is that you’re together.

9. Read Books

Reading books is another bonding activity that your whole family can do every day. It can be every night before going to bed. Pick books that everyone is interested in. You can also take turns in reading the book, then after reading, have a short discussion about the story and the lessons that everyone learned. Aside from being a bonding activity, reading books can also help enhance your children’s vocabulary and reading skills.

10. Have a Scheduled Game Day and Movie Night

You can have a weekly family movie night at home. Ask each family member what movie they would like to see. You can also create a movie collection and take turns in choosing.

Aside from watching movies, you can also have a weekly game day. It can be sports, game boards, and videogames. These games can bring a lot of laughter and fun to your family bonding time and it can also bring out the inner child in everyone.

You can alternate game days and movie nights every week. And to complement these activities, you can also serve popcorn and other snacks.

These are some of the best bonding activities that dads can plan for the whole family. Family bonding activities don’t always have to be grand, time-consuming, and pricey. In fact, catching up with one another every night over dinner is considered one of the best bonding activities that all families can do. We hope the tips we shared will help you in planning your family’s bonding activities.