Capable Man of History: The Buddha

the statue of seated Buddha

The Buddha is one of the most famous historical religious figures. He was the one who laid the foundations for Buddhism as a religion. Buddhism is considered a major religion widely followed in South East Asia and spreading fast in the West. The life of the Buddha was full of lessons for … Read more

Capable Man of History: Confucius

Whenever there is a discussion on philosophy, Confucius’s name always pops up. Philosophy and Confucius go hand in hand – he was known as the first teacher after all. Confucius was an ancient Chinese philosopher who got famous a century or two after his death. His teachings were followed not only in … Read more

Capable Men of History: Pythagoras

Pythagoras is widely considered the Greek who used the word “philosopher” for the first time. Among the masses, he is famous for his contributions to mathematics, such as Pythagoras Theorem, but Pythagoras’ life was more than just a theorem. His student, Plato, was incredibly influenced by his mentor’s teachings and often mentioned … Read more

Capable Man of History: Thomas Edison

Today, we live in a world that is bright and luminous, no matter if it’s day or dark. It’s all because of the electric lights we have in our homes, offices, and streets. It all started with the invention of the incandescent light bulb that changed the world forever. This was one … Read more

Capable Men of History: Genghis Khan

Mongol leader Genghis Khan (April 16, 1162 – August 18, 1227) was the founder and the first Great Khan Emperor of the Mongol Empire, the largest contiguous empire in history. After uniting the nomadic tribes in Mongolia, he conquered vast parts of central Asia and China. After his death, the empire went … Read more

Capable Men of History: George Washington

George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) was a founding father, the first president of the United States, military general, political leader, and statesman. He is known for being the “Father of His Country” after leaving one of the most enduring legacies of any American in history. He was indispensable … Read more

Capable Men of History: Leonardo da Vinci

You may have come across the Vituvian Man, Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Flying Machine and many of this inventions and masterpieces which made a man the face of Renaissance, sparked controversies, and changed the world forever. It will definitely made you think, how can one man influence various field of study? … Read more

Capable Men of History: Isaac Newton

Throughout our lives, many myths and fables surround us, especially as a kid. Some myths have related to scientific facts and studies, while some are entirely a work of the human imagination. These myths often started during the medieval ages, when people don’t usually study science. Interestingly, their works produced positive results … Read more